Type of Knowys

Time is something you create.
So, when someone say, 'I don't have time' It’s like saying  'I don't want to'

When trying to get answers, be as accurate & quick as your client would want you to be. If you describe a clear picture, with relevant copy, they’ll probably go along. That’s why we made different kinds of Knowys for different purposes. This is pre-thinking you must do before engaging your client.

  1. KYC

    This can be your first brick in knowing your client. It literally stands for Know your client. The universal digital handshake helps you clarify your client’s identity and gather critical\relevent info. This is suitable for onboarding, enriching DATA, building community and more. So, if you’re thinking about accurate your audience for different goals, it’s helpful.

  2. Calculator

    Help clients make better decisions. By actively calculating results based on certain answers you'll get valuable data. It will allow you to show them you understand their preferences, thinking patterns, pain points, and more. Guidance tailored to their needs.
  3. Quiz

    If you want to educate your audience in a fun and interactive way, quizzes are the answer. Engage your audience with interactive quizzes that are perfect for lead generation, brand awareness, and customer engagement campaigns. Quiz enables you to test your customers' knowledge and show off your own expertise in your field. Plus, it's a fun way to add some personality to your brand.

  4. Form

    Forms can be boring, or a smooth experience. Nothing in between. With neat and personal design, you can collect valuable info from your customers.  Contact information, preferences, requests, and purchase history and more. It's an efficient and eco-friendly way to gather dry information you need with style.
  5. Survey

    Targeted questions = Targeted answers. Multi-question surveys are useful for gathering detailed DATA from customers. You can track customer satisfaction, conduct market research, and get deep feedback on products and services. They can also be used to harness data for academic research and to measure opinion on various issues.

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